
Global Security Surveillance is the trusted name for state of the art CCTV cameras, accessories, and kits for the best in professional surveillance equipment. We have cultivated our company to allow for the most cost effective pricing the industry has to offer. We want to be your source for industry leading cameras and all the accessories that any application will call for including solar and wireless solutions. GSS created this site for dealers and end users, providing great customers services to you for many years to come. We guarantee to put more profit back where it belongs…with you and your company. Become a dealer and partner with a company that will do more for you than any other company you have worked with in the past. Learn more about, GSS by watching a tutorial video, on our services and the latest products we offer.

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Our award winning design team can handle any applications or plans you may need. With over 40 years of field experience we can offer a complete turnkey system design at no cost to you. Whether it is a standard hardwired system, wireless system, solar powered, or a hybrid of one or all of these technologies. We can provide detailed plans and schematics for your project with plug and play wireless and solar solutions. Please contact costumer services for further information and to get started with your design and plans.